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Primed to fiercely protect: our seas, our peace, our economy.

Protecting the high seas

A thriving global economy depends on maritime trade - and as an island nation, the UK needs a strong navy to protect its interests.

Day after day, we keep a watchful eye over home and international waters, safeguarding citizens and allies from pirates, terrorists and criminals.

Royal Navy rib approaches a boat suspected of drug smuggling

Fighting crime

Over 90% of global trade is transported by sea - and inevitably, this attracts the attention of criminals.

We protect maritime trade from pirates, terrorists and traffickers - keeping the wheels of commerce turning, whatever it takes.
Armed Royal Marines walk down overgrown road

Stabilising hotspots

When instability occurs in a country we rely on for trade, resources become scarce and costs soar.

We work proactively – often in partnership with other nations – to maintain the smooth flow of goods and supplies in regions where conflict is a real threat.

Two Royal Navy ribs speed past RFA Mounts Bay

Protecting our economy

With nearly half of our food imported from overseas and 97% of our data transferred by underwater cables, we are heavily reliant on the maritime industry’s stability.

Protecting critical shipping lanes keeps our economy afloat.

Two Royal Navy engineers work on machinery

Supporting employment

More than 950,000 jobs are directly supported by the UK maritime sector, which adds £37.4 billion to the UK economy.

With so much at stake, it’s vital we maintain a formidable position on the world stage.