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Sport & fitness

To be fully effective in combat, men and women in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines must be physically and mentally fit. They must also possess self-discipline, stamina, courage and a competitive spirit.

Royal Navy fitness instructor conducts fitness training onboard a ship


Find out about all the Royal Navy’s sporting associations, fitness, and health support.

You will need to register for access through the Defence Gateway. If you haven’t already done so you can register here.

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The back of a Royal Navy triathlete with hands on their hips

Sports association members

If you are a member of a sports association, but not within the military or civil service, your military sponsor will be able to arrange access to you through the Defence Gateway to see the Sports pages.
Silhouettes of Royal Navy personnel climbing along ropes above barbed wire


Interested in a career in the Royal Navy? Find out more about the sports and fitness options available to you.
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Fitness preperation

Life in the Royal Navy is wide-ranging and incredibly varied, and therefore requires a good level of physical fitness.
Get fit to join