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HMS Pembroke (M107)

HMS Pembroke (M107)

HMS Pembroke is a Sandown Class Mine Counter-Measures Vessel (MCMV) stationed at HMNB Clyde. The crew of HMS Pembroke is made up of highly trained Mine Warfare Specialists and Mine Clearance Divers, as well as engineers, officers and chefs.


As one of the Royal Navy’s seven Sandown Class Mine Counter-Measures Vessels, HMS Pembroke’s is designed for seeking out and destroying mines. Once the mines have been detected, the ship’s company use the SeaFox remote-controlled underwater vehicle or highly trained Mine Clearance Divers to dispose of them.

More broadly, HMS Pembroke is part of the Royal Navy’s ongoing mission to keep the global sea lines of communication open for trade, thereby securing the UK’s access to fuel, energy and consumer goods such as cars and clothing.


The personnel of HMS Pembroke are highly trained experts who specialise in mine disposal. Their many skills include:

  • Ordnance detection
  • Ordnance destruction
  • Diving
  • Operation of unmanned vehicles
  • Operation of sonar
  • Route surveying
  • Seabed clearance
Sandown Class


Led by Lieutenant Commander Simon Henderson, members of the ship’s company represent the Royal Navy in sports including rugby, football, badminton and hockey. Languages spoken aboard HMS Pembroke include English, German, French, Welsh and Spanish.

The musicians of HMS Pembroke play a range of instruments, including bagpipes, kettle drums, flute, saxophone and the didgeridoo. Over the course of a four-month NATO deployment, the ship’s company consumed 1500kg of potatoes and 1200kg milk.

Unit history

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