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40 Commando

This light infantry unit is made up of some of the toughest marines in the Royal Navy. From scorching deserts to the Arctic tundra, the elite troops of 40 Commando wear the green beret with pride wherever they’re deployed.

Royal Marine of Alpha Company, 40 Commando wearing the new Future Commando Force (FCF) uniform at Norton Manor Camp, Taunton as the Corps makes the transition to FCF.


The unit of 40 Commando are at the forefront of innovation as commandos go back to their roots as raiders from the sea and embrace new technologies to help their specialised operations around the world. 

40 Commando


Since its formation in 1942, 40 Commando has served in every major British conflict, playing a pivotal role in several notable campaigns and operations.

Trained for worldwide deployment at a moment's notice, the troops of 40 Commando are highly skilled, adaptable, and capable of combating a wide range of threats.


Led by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Denning, 40 Commando’s marines undertake a wide variety of operational tasks. Together, their roles and responsibilities include:

  • Rapid reaction
  • Amphibious warfare
  • Arctic warfare
  • Mountain warfare
  • Expeditionary warfare
  • Humanitarian support
  • Disaster relief

Unit history

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