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29 Commando Royal Artillery

29 Commando Royal Artillery

Few have what it takes to become a Commando Gunner in 29 Commando Royal Artillery. To earn the coveted green beret, these elite troops must master the art of amphibious warfare and pass the gruelling All Arms Commando Course.


This Very High Readiness Commando force performs a number of specialised roles within the Royal Artillery. As Commando Gunners, they provide offensive artillery support and gunnery observation to 3 Commando Brigade.


Esteemed as some of the toughest troops in the British Armed Forces, the soldiers of 29 Commando specialise in amphibious operations, as well as mountain and cold weather warfare – although they’re equally at home in all extremes of temperature and climate.


Led by Lieutenant Colonel M. A. A. Dornan, the personnel of 29 Commando Royal Artillery undertake a variety of operational tasks, and have the talent and skills to match. Together, their roles and responsibilities include:

  • Rapid reaction
  • Amphibious warfare
  • Arctic warfare
  • Mountain warfare
  • Expeditionary warfare
  • Humanitarian support
  • Disaster relief

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