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HMS Tracker (P274)

HMS Tracker (P274) is one of 16 Archer-class patrol vessels assigned to the Coastal Forces Squadron, providing maritime security and operations within Europe’s coastal waters. Together with her sister ship HMS RAIDER (P275), she provides reassurance and protection in and around HMNB Clyde.


HMS Tracker is a fast, agile armed patrol boat, with a crew of just seven. Alongside her sister ship HMS Raider, she works hard to provide 24/7/365 reassurance and protection in and around the Clyde, safeguarding both our submarine fleet and shipping coming to and from the UK.


HMS Tracker and sister-ship Raider form our Faslane Patrol Boat Squadron (FPBS). They provide Force Protection in and around the Firth of Clyde, and supporting our mission to safeguard shipping in UK waters.

These ships are small but mighty, with a ship’s company (crew) of seven people each.

HMS Tracker is a fully-fledged armed patrol boat. She is fitted with Kevlar armour to keep her crew safe, and is well-armed with three 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Guns (GPMG).

Archer class


Led by Lieutenant Thomas Reed, HMS Tracker provides an essential supporting role to both UK and foreign shipping in and around the Firth of Clyde. That includes:

  • 24/7/365 patrol cover
  • Acting as a training platform for specialisations from navigation training to gunnery training
  • Wider regional engagement in support other local events
  • Being prepared to provide force protection using GPMGs and SA80 weapons

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