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Cadets & Youth

Helping young people thrive.

A vital service for young people

Supporting 130,000 youth in developing valuable skills and the determination to succeed, wherever life takes them.
Nine Royal Navy cadets facing camera

Combined cadet force

MOD-sponsored cadet organisation, delivered within a school setting.

Pupils may develop powers of leadership by means of training to promote the qualities of responsibility, self reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance.

Explore combined cadet force

Sea cadets

The UK’s largest maritime youth charity, established in 1856 and working in over 400 units with 14,000 cadets.

Learn life skills like leadership and team working through nautical adventure activities, cadets can earn extra qualifications to give them a head start.

Explore sea cadets
Two Royal Navy cadets facing Army Major

Royal Marines Cadet Regimental Council

Providing leadership, advice and coordination across the Royal Marines Cadets to promote the interests and wellbeing of cadets and instructors.
Four Royal Navy cadets in black uniform

Volunteer Cadet Corps

Formed over 100 years ago to give children from the age of 9 the opportunity to take on and overcome real life challenges.

Learning to stand tall during ceremonial parades, sleep and eat in outdoor conditions and achieve personal goals during adventure training.

Explore volunteer cadet corps
Heads and shoulders of five Royal Navy cadets in line with a women in pink

Royal Navy Recognised Sea Scouts

103 of around 350 Sea Scout groups and units in the UK are officially recognised by the Royal Navy - wearing a Recognition badge on their uniforms and flying a special pennant.
Explore sea scouts

Become a cadet

Wherever life takes you after school, cadet organisations give you tons of skills that help you out in the big world, and build amazing memories with lifelong friends.

Become a volunteer

Support teenagers through life and help transform them into confident and charismatic young people who are destined to succeed.