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Royal Navy takes honours in National Apprenticeship Awards 2021

Military and contractor apprenticeship team
25 October 2021
The Royal Navy won key categories – Macro Employer of the Year and the Award for Recruitment Excellence – in the National Apprenticeship Awards 2021.

The Employer of the Year categories are open to employers from all sectors and celebrates employers who can showcase their commitment, contribution, and the success that apprenticeships have brought to their organisation. The Macro category is for any organisation that has over 5,000 employees. 

The Recruitment Excellence Award highlights employers who demonstrate innovation in their recruitment processes, to ensure they have a diverse workforce. The winner was selected from Employer of the Year applicants.

Another successful entry was for CPO David Worley who received a Highly Commended award as the Apprenticeship Champion of the Year (sponsored by the RAF).  This award identifies individuals who go above and beyond to champion apprenticeships. 

CPO Worley also won this same award at the Royal Navy’s own Apprenticeship Awards held on HMS Victory the previous week. This recognition he has received proves testament to his hard work and dedication to ensure effective training is being delivered, and the accreditation being achieved, providing the essential foundation blocks for personnel to build successful careers and to reach their full potential.  

Apprenticeships are incubators of greatness.

Minister for Skills, Alex Burghart

This year’s awards really celebrated employers who retained apprentices and supported them to do outstanding things throughout the pandemic. Focussing on how employers and apprentices are contributing to business recovery and highlighting those who have shown their ongoing resilience.

More than 1,000 entries from apprentice employers, apprentices, and apprenticeship champions were received this year from all over England. The breadth of industries and sectors recognised highlights the broad appeal of apprenticeships, and how employers and individuals are continuing to build business and career success through apprenticeships.

The new Minister for Skills, Alex Burghart said: “I’m a major believer in what apprenticeships can do for employers, the economy, and the apprentices themselves, so a huge congratulations to everyone taking part in these regional finals. Apprenticeships are incubators of greatness. These nominees are showing just how much potential apprenticeships have to offer opportunities and skills on the job.”

The winners and highly commended announced in the South East were:

The Macro Employer of the Year winner is Royal Navy. Thames Valley Police is highly commended.
The Award for Recruitment Excellence winner is Royal Navy. RSM is highly commended.
The Royal Air Force Award for Apprenticeship Champion of the Year is Nicola Morgan. David Worley is highly commended.


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