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13 October 2017
It’s hard enough to walk on a tread mill for an hour let alone for 24 hours straight. Now imagine doing 24 hours waking on a tread mill set up to simulate hill walking, then do it on a ship at sea.

Thursday 5th October marked a tremendous achievement for Leading Physical Trainer (PT) Melanie Haslam, who did just that!

Starting at 0630 on Wednesday 4th of October, Melanie started the challenge whilst HMS Montrose was off the south coast of Devon. 

Whilst the PT or as they are know in the service “Club Swinger” undertook her walk, she had to stay upright as the ship manoeuvred at high speeds and listened to the ship undertake aircraft landings on the deck above.

She continued with the walk, being only allowed to stop for toilet breaks, for the full twenty four hours plus 30 minutes added on to make up for using the loo.

Melanie was doing this on behalf of her nephew who was born with the condition Cystic Fibosis. 

Describing the condition she said “it’s an incurable disease that attacks the lungs, leaving a person with CF with a life expectancy of between 25 and 30 years.  I’m doing this to highlight the suffering that people go through and to also raise some badly needed cash for those who need it."

it’s an incurable disease that attacks the lungs, leaving a person with CF with a life expectancy of between 25 and 30 years. I’m doing this to highlight the suffering that people go through and to also raise some badly needed cash for those who need it.

Leading Physical Trainer (PT) Melanie Haslam

Using the website Virgin Money Giving (, Melanie was hoping to raise at least £3000 for the Royal Navy Royal Marine charity who provide help and support for Service Personnel and their families. 

In addition to raising money on the website, Melanie has been sponsored by a large number of her ship mates and has been kept company for periods of time by the Commanding Officer, Cdr Connor O’Neill RN and other members of the crew.

LPT Haslam has been in the navy for 12 years and has been selected as one of a number of female personnel to undertake the Royal Marines All Arms Commando Course early in 2018.

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