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Falmouth and Penryn Sea Cadets visit RFA Mounts Bay

Falmouth and Penryn Sea Cadets visit RFA Mounts Bay
The undertaking of an extended maintenance period at her base port of Falmouth has provided an ideal opportunity for RFA Mounts Bay to further develop well established affiliations with TS Robert Hichens Falmouth and Penryn Sea Cadet Unit.

On three separate occasions in February, the ship’s company was delighted to welcome groups from the unit on board, in addition to those from the neighbouring Truro and Padstow group.

During the visits a number of on board activities were arranged; all designed to provide some fun and an insight into the challenges of life at sea in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary.

Over 40 Sea Cadets were able to partake in activities including interactive (wet!) fire fighting drills, lifeboat familiarisation, visiting the ships hospital, an insight into the ship’s self-defence weapons and visits to the ships Machinery Control Room and Bridge.

In conducting such tours, they were able to interact with the ships Navigating and Engineering Officers and discuss their respective experiences and roles serving in today’s RFA Service.

I am delighted that RFA Mounts Bay has been able to provide the opportunity for TS Robert Hichens to visit the ship and further cement our strong affiliation with Falmouth

Captain David Buck OBE, Commanding Officer of RFA Mounts Bay

On 23 February, RFA Mounts Bay Commanding Officer, Captain David Buck OBE and 3/O(X) Steve McCubbin, the ship’s Sea Cadet Liaison Officer, were honoured to be invited to attend the annual Falmouth and Penryn Sea Cadet Unit presentation awards evening.

The event was very well attended by a number of local dignitaries and proud parents and was opened by the Unit President, Commodore Peter Fish CBE, RN Retd.

Captain Buck said, “The achievements of the Unit have been remarkable and it has been a most uplifting experience to observe the dedication and enthusiasm of these inspirational young people. They are clearly a credit to the Sea Cadet Corps”.

Following a ceremonial raising of colours, the inspecting officer, Lt Cdr Trevor Brookes RNO Falmouth, inspected the guard of honour and presented awards to successful cadets in a number of categories and disciplines, all fully recognising the significant achievements of the Unit as a whole on a national level.

Senior Cadets rounded off a tremendous evening by delivering an excellent presentation of their activities over the past year before proceedings were brought to a close.

Captain Buck further commented, “I am delighted that RFA Mounts Bay has been able to provide the opportunity for TS Robert Hichens to visit the ship and further cement our strong affiliation with Falmouth. I very much hope that some of them may be inspired to become part of the future RFA Service as they set out on their respective career paths”.

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