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Royal Marines and Coastguard share skills

Royal Marines and Coastguard share skills
25 July 2017
An agreement has been signed between the Royal Marines and the Coastguard recognising common roles, training and skills.

Staged in a Royal Navy landing craft at Devonport Naval Base, the memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed by the Royal Marines on behalf of the Deputy Commandant General, Brigadier Richard Spencer, and by Coastguard Chief Executive, Sir Alan Massey.

The agreement was marked ceremonially at the base of 1 Assault Squadron Royal Marines, the unit which trains Royal Navy landing craft and small boat crews who support the amphibious fleet (commando helicopter carrier HMS Ocean and assault ship HMS Albion).

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) agreed a simplified training pathway through the memo, for Royal Marines by recognising the experience, knowledge and qualifications gained through climbing the ranks from landing craftsman to sergeant.

It recognises the efforts and experience which they have accrued during their time in the Royal Marines

Colonel Simon Scott RM, commanding officer of 1ARGM

Sir Alan said, “Not only does the MOU signed give the landing craftsman the opportunity to obtain civilian accreditation that they deserve. It also represents a strong link and bond between the Maritime Coastguard Agency and Royal Marines, recognising their skills, knowledge and experience, not only as marines but also as mariners.”

“The agreement transcends business and is symbolic of a relationship between the Royal Marines and the MCA, which allows adoption each other’s best practice,” he added.

Colonel Simon Scott, the commanding officer of 1ARGM said the MOU represents a significant step towards ensuring landing craft coxswains receive well deserved recognition for their time served.

He added, “It recognises the efforts and experience which they have accrued during their time in the Royal Marines.”

Warrant Officer Kenny Williamson, Royal Marine 10 Training Squadron Sergeant Major, said: “The MOU is fantastic as it has now made sure I am in a good position for further employment when I leave the Corps.”

As a Landing Craftsman Class 1 he at the pinnacle of landing craftsman qualifications. This commemorates reaching the rank of sergeant in the specialisation and allows them to navigate the largest of all Royal Marines landing craft.

After over a decade in the specialisation Kenny will have worldwide experience on small fast craft and larger craft like landing craft personnel, operating independently at range from any support at sea.

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