Navy News
Direct from the front-line, the official newspaper of the Royal Navy, Navy News, brings you the latest news, features and award winning photos every month.
Arriving on Thursday, the Ship hosted a Capability Demonstration in the evening to 70 guests.
This allowed the Ship's Company to show off both the ship and her crew's unique role within the Fishery Protection and the Mine Counter Measures Squadrons.
The warm and summery evening culminated with a Ceremonial Sunset and Guard of Honour, a tradition which dates back centuries.
Re-affirming ties with the local community, the Commanding Officer hosted key leaders and affiliates on board for a superb luncheon on the Friday, hand prepared and served by the ship's own chefs and steward.
Attendees included the Chair and Consort of North Tyneside Council, representatives from the Port of Tyne, Marine Management Organisation and Trinity House.
The Headmaster of Hadrian School, one of the ship's affiliates, was also delighted to attend.
Never one to miss an opportunity, Tyne opened her gangway to members of the public on Saturday.
A number of families stepped on board and found themselves immersed in the experience of an operational warship where they were able to talk to the sailors and discover the realties of a life of work at sea.
The Festival itself was attended by members of the Ship's Company who were invited at the request of the Chair of North Tyneside Council.
Under clear blue skies, on the headland overlooking the entrance to the river and with sweeping views up and down the coast, HMS Tyne joined Tynemouth to celebrate her maritime history in style!
Direct from the front-line, the official newspaper of the Royal Navy, Navy News, brings you the latest news, features and award winning photos every month.