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Chief proud to be Collingwood's 'Biggest Loser'

Chief proud to be Collingwood’s ‘Biggest Loser’
24 April 2017
For once, the emphasis at HMS Collingwood was on losing as Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Neil Lappin won the Base’s ‘Biggest Loser’ competition.

Neil has lost 2.7 stone since January by following a healthy lifestyle plan devised by Leading Physical trainer (LPT) Luke Steele.

The plan includes breakfast shakes incorporating protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and Chief Lappin joked that it took some getting used to after his first one, which contained spinach, nuts and banana.

In addition to eating healthily, Chief Lappin has also started riding his bike to work, taking longer walks with his dogs and joining the Base’s lunchtime circuits sessions.  

He was presented with his award, a Fitbit Blaze, by Commander Heather Rimmer.

CPO Lappin said he plans to continue with his new regime with a view to losing more weight ahead of his upcoming holiday in Florida.

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