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Royal Navy Imagery Database

Royal Navy Imagery Database

A collection of images and videos taken by Royal Navy photographers.

Access the database

This database contains all the latest imagery from the Royal Navy and Royal Marines on operations around the globe.

Unless otherwise indicated*, the images presented on this website have been produced by military staff, or civil servants who work for the Ministry of Defence (MOD), and thus are subject to Crown copyright. The MOD has a delegation to deal with Crown copyright material produced by its staff on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationary Office (HMSO). This is managed by the MOD's Defence Intellectual Property Rights team (DIPR).

Imagery licence information

In order to use images on this website you will need a licence.

A licence is a set of permissions that sets out what you can and cannot use images for.

Pre-cleared images can be used under licence and users must ensure that reproduction of imagery is conducted under the correct license. Any licensing queries should be addressed to [email protected].

Pre-cleared Crown copyright images have been made available for use under the Open Government Licence (OGL). You are encouraged to use these images freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions. These images can be downloaded at high resolution.

Some files have limited use. this may be because the image contains personal data, or is otherwise deemed inappropriate for use under the OGL. Some of these images are available for the purposes of reporting current news only, and are thus subject to use under Crown Copyright MOD News Licence terms.

In general, Crown copyright material which has not been made available under the OGL or Crown Copyright MOD News Licence, cannot be re-used or reproduced for any other purpose, unless permission has been granted to you in writing by DIPR. This permission, which is not necessarily guaranteed, will take the form of a written copyright licence from DIPR, and may involve a charge.

*Images specifically acknowledging the copyright of a third party are not covered by MOD's delegation from HMSO. If you wish to use an image that states the copyright owner is not the Crown (ie it does not say "Crown copyright"), you will need to seek permission from the copyright owner directly, as MOD cannot give you a licence to use someone else's work.

Interested in becoming a Royal Navy photographer?

Joining up as any other rating into a particular trade such as logistics, engineering or warfare specialists, or marine, RN photographers work hard to excel at their chosen field before being accepted into the Photographic Branch.

If you are interested in transferring to the photographic specialisation, please read RNTM 026/16 and BR3 Chapter 92, or speak to your nearest regional photographic unit.

For nearly a century the men – and later women – of the Royal Navy’s Photographic Branch have been charged with capturing the actions of the Senior Service on operations, training and exercises around the globe.

Formed in 1919 initially for reconnaissance and intelligence purposes, the official photographers quickly developed a sideline – producing pictures for their shipmates to snap up.

Today the photographic branch is busier than ever, recording the Royal Navy and Royal Marines at work – and at play – and supporting front-line missions.

After completing intensive training at the Defence School of Photography at RAF Cosford, photographers move to Royal Navy, Royal Marines or Fleet Air Arm bases to work alongside their colleagues.

They frequently spend six or seven months deployed with ships, squadrons or Royal Marines, sending images and video footage back to the UK for use by the nation’s media.