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University Royal Naval Units (URNU)

University Royal Naval Units (URNU)

Contact us to register your interest in a URNU

Register your interest

University Royal Naval Units (URNU), under the command of Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC), are here to give university students a broader understanding of Royal Navy life. They offer you the chance to gain transferable skills, from public speaking to organisation, by exposing you to leadership and management opportunities.

White Ensign raised with a P2000 ship sailing in the background
URNU students outside HMS Tameraire

What's in it for me?

  • Joining an URNU is your opportunity to experience military life without any commitment. 
  • You’ll meet likeminded people and build friendships that could last a lifetime. 
  • You’ll have the opportunity to deploy on a Royal Navy warship, participating in exercises designed to develop your communication, leadership and management skills.
URNU student at sea looking through binoculars

Training and Experience

As an URNU member, you will:

  • Get paid to be involved
  • Gain a CMI Level 4 qualification in Leadership and Management
  • Gain Royal Yachting Association (RYA) qualifications
  • Travel to new places, all over the world

You’ll have the opportunity to develop personally and professionally from the moment you join your URNU. Our core training is designed to prepare you for the challenges you might face in the future, whatever career you choose. You’ll also get maritime experience, which exposes you to the Royal Navy’s values and ethos, giving you an excellent platform for officer life.

P2000 patrol boat squadron out at sea

Virtual URNU

Can't find an URNU near your university? Joining our virtual URNU is your opportunity to get unique insight into Royal Navy life, no matter where you are.
Explore the Virtual URNU
Sailors standing to attention

Officers and Senior Rates

If you’re interested in training, mentoring and developing our Officer Cadets, you can apply to become an URNU Training Officer or Senior Rate. Making a real difference to the lives of young people, you'll be helping set them on the path to world-class careers and life experiences.

Find out about our Officers and Senior Rates
Champlaincy service on flight deck of an air craft carrier


Becoming an URNU Chaplain is your opportunity to provide cadets with invaluable chaplaincy and pastoral support in the Royal Navy environment, making a real difference to their lives, through strengthening their community cohesion and ethical outlook.
Read about joining the Chaplaincy service