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HMS Collingwood

HMS Collingwood is a prestigious training establishment of the Royal Navy. As the largest training base, it serves as the home for Warfare and Weapon Engineering Training.

Location information

Soldiers in HMS Collingwood conducting State Ceremonial Training

Role of the base

HMS Collingwood is an important training facility for the Royal Navy and its main role is to take care of trainees during stages 2 and 3 of their Warfare and Weapon Engineer training. The base also manages facilities and provides support to other organisations, including the Royal Navy Leadership Academy, Maritime Warfare Centre, and Fleet Intelligence Centre. HMS Collingwood is dedicated to ensuring the well-being of trainees and supporting the Navy’s training and operational needs.

Training Schools

The Collingwood curriculum is packed with courses to cover all aspects of Naval life

Two people from bridge team during a FOST covered exercise

Maritime warfare school

HMS Collingwood base is home to the Maritime Warfare School (MWS), part of the Flag Officer Sea Training (FOST) organisation. The MWS delivers warfare training across five sites, including Horsea Island, HMS Temeraire, HMS Excellent, HMS Raleigh, and HMS Collingwood. Its mission is to train officers and ratings who are ready to fight and win, covering various aspects of naval operations. 

Gun Carriage training at HMS Collingwood

Victory squadron

Victory Squadron focuses on leadership, naval ethos, and professional standards during Phase 2 training. It prepares ratings undergoing Warfare or Weapons Engineering training to join the Front Line. The squadron emphasizes duty of care, core values, academic classes, physical development, and various activities to shape confident and capable personnel.
Royal Navy diver entering the water

Defence diving school

The Defence Diving School at HMS Collingwood base provides military diving training for Royal Navy and Army personnel. It offers comprehensive facilities including diving tanks, recompression chambers, engineering facilities, classrooms, and more. Basic and advanced diving training is conducted at various locations, ensuring divers are well-prepared for their roles. 
A Royal Navy diver on the surface during an underwater search

The potential diver assesment

The Potential Diver Assessment (PDA) is designed to test the attitude and aptitude of anyone wanting to undertake military diver training. Under the watchful eye of a Leading Physical Trainer (LPT) and Royal Navy Diving Instructors, the 2.5-day course also tests the participant’s physical fitness and must be successfully passed in order to gain a recommendation to enter the Royal Navy as a Clearance Diver.

Base history

Sports Facilities

Our Health and Fitness Centre facilities here at Collingwood include:

  • Maternity suite
  • Cardiovascular suite
  • Rowing suite
  • Two strength training areas
  • Functional fitness room

We're also able to provide private fitness areas tailored for your use, with staff at the centre able to help with this.

Find us

HMS Collingwood

Contact Details

Newgate Lane
PO14 1AS
See on Google maps
Email Address: [email protected]
Commanding Officer:
Captain Tim Davey