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The Dockyard Port of Portsmouth has a wide variety of diving opportunities from ocean liners to destroyers.

Never dive alone and always dive within the bounds of your certification and training.  Exercise safe and sound judgements when planning and executing your diving.

Diving guidelines

In accordance with Schedule 1, Paragraph 9 of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005:

Save with permission of the King's Harbour Master, no person who is wearing or equipped with clothing or apparatus designed or adapted for swimming underwater or diving shall swim underwater or dive or fish -

(a) within the harbour or in any of the creeks or lakes adjoining the Harbour; or

(b) elsewhere in the Dockyard Port -

(i) within 100 metres of the walls, slipways, or boundaries of a Crown Establishment;

(ii) within 150 metres of any of His Majesty's vessels; or

(iii) where anchorage is prohibited. *

*Note - this last measure places restrictions on diving in vicinity of fairways, channels and large ship navigable waters (in excess of 10 metres) throughout the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth as well as in the vicinity of submarine pipelines and cables, without prior permission from KHM.

Planned Diving

Advice for swimmers

There are any many options for swimming. Stay reasonably close to the shore, test the depth. Even good swimmers need to be in reasonably shallow water where you can quickly put your feet down. This may seem over cautious but even strong swimmers may get into trouble. Choose your location for swimming carefully, consider wearing a wetsuit, high visibility cap and tow a float.
Swimming in the Solent

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