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Portsmouth harbour is home to over 5000 recreational vessels. There are many types of mooring for these craft from swing moorings to fully serviced marinas.

Fuel Berths

Port Solent Marina Operate the fuel bay selling diesel and unleaded petrol. Please request fuel using VHF Channel 80 before leaving your berth. It is open 8.30-6pm from April to October and 9-5 from Nov- end of March. Out of hours, operation of the lock takes priority.

Gosport Marina The fuel pontoon opposite C Jetty is manned from 9am to 5.45pm, Monday to Thursday, from April 1st to October 1st. At the height of summer, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, fuel is dispensed until 8.45pm. In winter, the pontoon is staffed 9am to 2.45pm, seven days a week. Account cardholders may purchase diesel 24 hours a day.

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