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Here you can find extracts from the full regulations, pertaining to the most common questions from crossing the harbour to fishing. 

KHM's powers surrounding these areas derive from two pieces of enabling legislation, the Dockyard Ports Regulations Act of 1865, which covers general powers for all KHM's in Dockyard Ports and the more specific Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order of 2005. Information pertinent to Naval and MOD Operators is included in Port Guidance. Please ensure you also refer to Local Notice to Mariners, Navigation Warnings and General Directions.

Safety Guidelines

safety points to consider including speed, good lookout and damage reports. Find out more on KHM Portsmouth's regulations around safety points here.

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Small Craft Entering and Crossing the Harbour

Here you can find our traffic management plan for craft under 20 metres in length (bound to/from Town Camber/Gunwharf Quays). There is also further information about the Swashway, Inner Swashway and the harbour entrance.  
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Find out more about the regulations concerning fishing within the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth.
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Safety for small boats and watercraft

To assist the safe passage of small craft to and from Portsmouth Harbour, we have in place a series of rules which serve as a guide to small boats who are entering or leaving the harbour.
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