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King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

Direction 3/18

1. Mariners are advised that the Queen’s Harbour Master has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005, that any incident that reflects on the safe operation of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth is to be reported immediately to the Queen's Harbour Master. Such incidents are considered to be those that involve:

a.       Damage to vessels.

b.       Movement of or damage to navigational marks.

c.       Damage to shore facilities whether or not affecting the use of such installations by other vessels involved.

d.      Close quarter situations between two or more vessels, which results in emergency action on the part of the vessels involved.

2.      In these circumstances an immediate report is to be made to the Queen's Harbour Master, on VHF Ch 11/13 or by telephoning 023 9272 3694. A written report may also be requested and can be submitted on at  Any incident resulting in damage to a commercial installation should also be reported to the Harbour Master, Portsmouth International Port on 023 9285 5900.

3.      General Direction 01/13 is hereby cancelled.

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