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King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

Direction 2/18

1.  Mariners are advised that the Queen’s Harbour Master has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005, that no vessel shall, without the permission of the Queen’s Harbour Master, navigate:

a.      Within 50 metres of any of Her Majesty’s vessels or foreign warships or auxiliaries alongside any Crown Establishment or which is at anchor, a buoy or a mooring within the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth.

b.      Within 50 metres of the walls, slipways and boundaries of any Crown Establishments, except small boats using the Small Boat Channel (General Direction 2/17) who will need to pass close to Fort Blockhouse in the harbour entrance.

c.       Within 100 metres of any submarine alongside in any Crown Establishment or which is at anchor, a buoy or a mooring within the Dockyard Port at Portsmouth.

d.      Additionally, the Queen’s Harbour Master may designate a larger exclusion zone for special purpose vessels alongside or at anchor when circumstances dictate. This will be promulgated by Local Notice to Mariners if time permits, or alternatively by broadcast on VHF Channel 11.

2.      Contravention of this General Direction is a criminal offence. Offenders will be prosecuted and can be fined.

3.      General Direction 02/15 is hereby cancelled.

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