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King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

Direction 3/21

1. Mariners are advised that the Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth has made the following General Direction, under the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005, to introduce the following changes to Very High Frequency (VHF) Channel 11 Entry Reporting Points for all vessels requesting to use the main navigational channel to enter Portsmouth Harbour. The changes will take effect from 0001 British Summer Time (BST) on 18 October 2021.

2. It has become apparent that the existing VHF Entry Reporting Points for Portsmouth are no longer optimally placed, and in particular, the Saddle Buoy “permission to enter” reporting point is often beyond the realistic “point of no return” for many vessels using the channel, and thus gives limited opportunity for QHM Portsmouth to turn a vessel safely away from the channel should this become necessary due to an emergent safety or operational issue.  

3. The purpose of this General Direction is to amend the reporting arrangements detailed in the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005 (DPPO 2005) and other publications. 

4. From 0001 BST on 18 October 2021, vessels intending to enter the main Portsmouth navigational channel are to report to QHM Portsmouth on VHF Channel 11 as follows: 

a. Approaching from the east: 

i. Confirm ETA at Outer Spit Buoy one hour in advance. 

ii. When passing latitude 50 40.0N giving position as a distance east or west of Nab Tower. 

iii. When between Horse Sand Fort and No Man’s Land Fort requesting permission to enter the main channel. 

b. Approaching from the west or intending to enter from the Swashway channel: 

i. Confirm ETA at Outer Spit Buoy one hour in advance. 

ii. When passing the Prince Consort Buoy north of Cowes. 

iii.When entering the Swashway channel requesting permission to enter the Bar channel, or 

iv. Abeam the Mary Rose Buoy requesting permission to enter the main channel. 

5. Southampton VTS reporting points remain unchanged and are as detailed in Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 6. 

6. Admiralty charts showing Portsmouth reporting points will be updated accordingly, together with all relevant publications. 

7. This General Direction will remain in force until superseded or the DPPO 2005 is duly updated

Tuesday 12 Oct 2021

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