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Licensed mooring areas within the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth

King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

Direction 6/13

  1. The Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth hereby gives notice of the following Direction hereby made under schedule 1 paragraph 1 (1) of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005, that mariners should navigate with care and caution within the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth, particularly in the vicinity of licensed mooring areas.
  2. Mariners are advised not to transit through mooring areas unless mooring or unmooring a vessel within the licensed area, or to avoid danger.
  3. Schedule 2 Paragraph 9 of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005 states that. “The Master of a vessel navigating the Dockyard Port shall navigate the vessel with care and caution and in such a manner as shall not cause annoyance to the occupants of any other vessel or cause damage or danger to any other vessel or to any moorings or other property.”
  4. LNTM 18 / 12 is hereby superseded.

Queen's Harbour Master

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