King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
Direction 18/23
1. Mariners are advised that The King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005 that a Master of a vessel sustaining damage which affects or is likely to affect its seaworthiness, or allows or is likely to allow oil, dangerous or inflammable substances to escape from that vessel, must seek permission from the respective Harbour Master of the port area before entering the port limits. Such vessels are to wait outside the port limits and outside the limits of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth until permission to enter is given by the relevant Harbour Master.
2. Damaged vessels requesting permission to enter the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth should contact the King’s Harbour Master (Callsign KHM) on VHF Ch11 or 13 or by telephoning 023 92 723694.
3. Damaged vessels requesting permission to enter the Port of Southampton should contact the Harbour Master Southampton (Callsign Southampton VTS) on VHF Ch12 or by telephoning 023 80 608208.
4. General Direction 1/10 is hereby cancelled.
Sunday 01 Jan 2023
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