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King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

Direction 14/23

1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005 in order that oil pollution may be effectively dealt with, mariners and other persons in charge of vessels, including recreational craft, afloat in the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth are directed to report the sighting giving position, extent, description (e.g. light film, slick, heavy black crude etc) and the direction of movement if possible.  

2. Reports may be made as follows; 

a. King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth (KHM) (Call sign “KHM”) VHF Channel 11 or 13. Telephone: 02392 723694. 

b. In the case of occupants of recreational craft or other persons, to HM Coastguard, Solent (Call sign “Solent Coastguard”) VHF Channel 16 or 67. Telephone: 02392 552100. 

3. Under Marine Management and Organisation (MMO) instructions it is a statutory requirement in UK Waters to obtain specific approval from the MMO for any use of oil treatment products (dispersants) in water depths of less than 20 metres or within one nautical mile of any such area. This instruction in general, precludes the use of oil treatment products throughout the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth. 

4. Should it be considered by KHM that the use of oil treatment products will be required, as the Harbour Authority, KHM will seek approval from MMO. No oil treatment products are to be used until specific approval is given and KHM issues specific instructions for their use. 

5. General Direction 11/10 is hereby superseded. 

Sunday 01 Jan 2023

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