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KHM Portsmouth



King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

Direction 13/23

1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Port Regulation Act 1865 and the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005 (DPPO). 

2. No fishing from any vessel or by persons swimming under the water shall be carried on within the limits of the Dockyard Port either within 100 metres of the walls, slipways or boundaries of any Crown Establishment or 150 metres of any of Her Majesty’s vessels. 

3. All fishing is prohibited in the approach channel and main navigable channels (all such channels are defined in the DPPO) and the use of any form of static fishing gear is prohibited in: 

Fareham Creek, as far as Town Quay 
Portchester Lake 
The Approaches to Port Solent 
Tipner Lake 
Haslar Creek 
Weevil Lake 
Brick Kiln Lake 
Wootton Creek, Isle of Wight 

4. South of the Harbour entrance in any area not shown on Admiralty Charts as an area within which fishing is prohibited, unattended fishing gear in respect of which a surface mark is employed must show a dan buoy or container with flag, which must be fitted with a radar reflector and have the identity of the laying vessel clearly displayed in compliance with Marine Management Organisation guidelines (Marking of Fishing Gear). 

5. All fishing gear should be set outside of all navigable channels. Any unmarked and unattended fishing gear will be removed.  

6. Attention of Mariners is drawn to the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005 Schedule 1. Regulation 8 (fishing), which remains in force. 

7. In accordance with Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005 Paragraph 6, failure to observe this direction will constitute a criminal offence. 

8. General Direction 4/11 is hereby superseded. 

Sunday, 01 Jan 2023

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