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Safety and regulations

The Dockyard Port of Plymouth (DPoP) exists to serve the defence interests of the UK. Safe operation of the Dockyard Port is essential to support the operational programme of the Royal Navy but also for the safety of the many commercial and recreational users of the Dockyard Port waters.

Safety Management System (SMS)

For ports other than Dockyard Ports, the Department for Transport (DfT) Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) recommends harbour authorities maintain a dedicated Safety Management System (SMS) for marine operations within the port.

The Dockyard Port safety policies and plans are based upon identification of the hazards, assessment of the risks and implementation of effective control measures to minimise or remove those risks, thus ensuring the safety of the Dockyard Port and its users. This allows for safe operation of the Dockyard Port and supports PMSC compliance by the Statutory Harbour Authorities within the Dockyard Port of Plymouth.

This SMS is designed to satisfy the requirements of the PMSC so far as is reasonable and practical.

The complexity and diversity of activity within DPoP means that achieving the desired level of safety and environmental performance for the port requires an integrated and cooperative approach. It is intended that this manual will provide a mechanism through which the management efforts of all port stakeholders can be coordinated and aligned.

The Navigational Safety Policy and complementary Marine Policies define the organisation and arrangements that the King's Harbour Master (KHM) has established to monitor, promote and proactively manage the conduct of navigation and other marine activities so that safety is enhanced.

Further information and copies of the SMS documentation can be found below under Safety Policy and Codes.

Harbour Patrols

The waters of the Dockyard Port of Plymouth are patrolled by the Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) - Devonport Marine Unit. Its primary purpose is to enhance the security of MoD property and to enforce the Rules and Regulations of the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020.
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Safety policies and codes

This section includes the port's Safety and Environmental Management System, policies, codes and plans, used to manage the port safely.

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VTS and Pilotage

KHM Plymouth provides the VTS service for the Port and Admiralty Pilots deliver the pilotage service for MoD movements.

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Here you can find extracts from the full regulations, pertaining to the most common questions from safety guidelines to fishing. KHM's powers derive from the Dockyard Ports Regulations Act of 1865, which covers general powers for all KHM's in Dockyard Ports. Detailed rules and regulations are contained in the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020. Information pertinent to Naval and MOD Operators is included in Port Guidance.

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