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Bunkering Operations

Bunkering Operations


These procedures cover commercial SHIP-to-SHIP transfer operations in Plymouth Sound. Royal Navy vessels and visiting warships should include the requirement to take fuel in their LOGREQ.


Notification of Intend to Bunker must be by emailed or faxed to Longroom Port Control Station 24 hours before bunkering; this can be done direct or through the Base Services / bunkering company.

Notification of commencement of Bunkering, completion of Bunkering must be made to Longroom VTS on VHF channel 14. Notification of any incident must be made to Longroom VTS on VHF channel 14.

Bunkering Conditions

Masters of vessels receiving bunkers, and Masters of bunkering barges/tankers, are advised that all bunkering operations within the jurisdiction of KHM are to be carried out in accordance with the Bunkering Conditions.

  1. Prior approval must be obtained from Longroom Port Control Station.
  2. Before any transfer of bunkers takes place, the Master or responsible Officer on each vessel must ensure that:
    a. i. Scuppers are properly sealed, adequate drip trays are in position under bunker hose connections, and all precautions have been taken to prevent overside discharge.
    b. ii.The bunker hose joints and connections to ship's manifold are soundly made; the bunker hose is of adequate length, properly supported, and without defect.
    c. iii. An agreed system of communications has been established between bunker/tanker and the ship, and provision has been made to continually monitor the operation.
  3. The bunker barge/tanker must have adequate fendering and both vessels must be securely moored.
  4. The Master/Officer in charge of the receiving vessel must contact Longroom VTS before bunker transfer begins, confirming that all-appropriate checks and precautions have been made. (Both vessels must remain in radio contact with Longroom VTS throughout the transfer.)
  5. If spillage or accident occurs during bunker transfer, the operation must be stopped and Longroom VTS informed immediately.
  6. The Master of the bunker barge/tanker must inform Longroom VTS when the operation has been safely completed and all hoses and other gear disconnected.
  7. Transfer of bunkers will only be permitted if weather and other conditions are considered suitable. The King's Harbour Master may, at his discretion, order the cessation of the operation and this order must be complied with immediately.
  8. The King's Harbour Master cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any cancellation; curtailment or delay of the bunker operation for any reasons whatsoever.
  9. The King's Harbour Master or his designated Officer may board the vessels to inspect the bunker transfer arrangements at any time.
  10. Vessels are to comply at all times with the provisions of the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Area Regulations, 1987 and must exhibit the warning signals required by Section 8, namely:
    DAY: A red flag (International Code Flag "B")
    NIGHT: An all-round red light, visible 2 miles
  11. Only approved contractor may carry out bunker operations. All non-approved contractors must register with KHM at least 7 days prior to carrying out any bunker operations.
  12. KHM reserves the right to amend or vary all or any of these Conditions from time to time.

Approved Bunkering Contractors

Companies intending to provide ship-to-ship bunkering services within KHM’s jurisdiction will be required to pre-register as approved bunkering contractors. The registration process will require the Bunkering Contractor to provide KHM with:

  1. Technical details of the bunkering barges or tankers.
    Vessel safety plan 
    Oil pollution emergency plan
    Vessel particulars
  2. Copy of the company's safety policies and bunkering procedures / precautions.
    Safety Management Certificate 
    Document of Compliance 
    Safety Management System – Bunkering Operations 
    Bunkering operations check lists
  3. The competency of bunker vessel crews.
    Crew manning Certificates

KHM will maintain current lists of approved bunkering contractors.

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