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Port Information Notification Form

Port Information Notification Form

Notification – piloted and non-piloted voyages.

Please use a separate form for each arrival, departure or movement voyage.

For general arrival notifications, the Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) must always be passed as part of the arrival notification recognising that this may, in some instances, be only a rough estimate. The best estimate of time must always be given and ‘AM’ or ‘PM’ is not acceptable. The reported times may be refined the closer they are to departure or arrival.
The time must be updated if the original ETA or ETD changes by more than 6 hours.

The departure notification must include the next port of call and the ETA at the next port (except when no orders have been received where the next port should be indicated as “UNKWN” and no time reported). In addition, vessels arriving from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) with Plymouth as the first port of call are required to make an arrival notification to Plymouth on leaving the loading port or, for ships without orders, as soon as Plymouth is identified as the first port of destination within the EEA.

Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods (DPG) are to give 48Hrs notice including description of cargo, substance id number, quantity/weight and appropriate classification in accordance with the Dangerous Substances in Harbour (DSHA) Regulations 1987.

Ships carrying dangerous or polluting goods loaded in Plymouth or arriving Plymouth from outside EEA should additionally provide the URL of the DPG Manifest and point of contact information for onward transmission to CERS by the port authority. It is important to note that the contact details provided must link through to a person who is contactable at any time, day or night, and able to transmit the appropriate DPG manifest details to the MCA electronically on request in the event of an incident or accident. Care should be taken, therefore, in providing contact details that they link through to a person capable of fulfilling this role. The nominated contact will be required to hold the dangerous or polluting manifest details at least until the ETA at next port plus 7 days.

There is a requirement for the owner, operator, agent or master to confirm that a dangerous or polluting goods manifest is held onboard and this must be confirmed to KHM Plymouth as part of the notification process.

Voyages requiring a pilot.

Provisional notice must be given in accordance with Pilotage Directions at least 24 hours before the anticipated ETA or on departure from previous port if later.

Confirmed notice is required 1 hour and again 10 mins before Shifting/Departure

– please refer to ALRS Vol 6(1) for full details.

Important – An accurate draught is essential to enable passage planning and/or anchorage allocation and must be supplied with confirmed notice. Any subsequent changes must be communicated to KHM Plymouth as soon as known.

Failure to provide this may affect the provision of a pilot as requested.

This form may be faxed to KHM Plymouth, Longroom Port Control Station 
+44 (0)1752 836401 or emailed to [email protected]

(you are reminded that email is not always instantaneous).

A copy should be forwarded to Cattewater Harbour Commissioners and Plymouth Pilots

[email protected] or faxed to 01752 253624

[email protected] or faxed to 01752 669691

Port_Entry_Information_Form_Issue_no_8.doc (123.90 kB) 
Port_Entry_Information_Form_Issue_no_8.pdf (32.90 kB)

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