King’s Harbour Master Plymouth
LNTM 005/24
1. This Notice is issued for information pursuant to the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020 and promulgated by the King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Plymouth on behalf of the Port of Plymouth Harbour Authorities Liaison Committee (HALC).
2. Following an increase in use of Personal Watercraft (PWC) a registration scheme is in place for all PWC operating within the Dockyard Port of Plymouth. The registration is free, and the application can be made via this link: Port of Plymouth Personal Watercraft Registration
3. Operators of PWCs will be required to confirm they hold suitable insurance cover for their vessel and are encouraged to have them data tagged. On completion a registration sticker will be issued; this is to be displayed on the PWC.
4. Before venturing afloat PWC users should ensure that they are fully aware of Rules and Regulations that are in place for the safety of all water users. Particular attention is drawn to the speed limit of 10 knots throughout the Port (except when in a designated high-speed area, or further than 400m from the shore) reducing to 8 knots within the Cattewater and 4 knots in Sutton Channel and designated Swimming/Bathing Areas. PWC should avoid the designated swimming/bathing areas for safety reasons.
The PWC Code of Conduct provides advice and useful information: Personal Watercraft Code of Conduct
5. There are several designated High-Speed Areas (See Code of Conduct); within which speed is unrestricted, but PWC users should note the requirements of Rules 5 and 6 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCS / ColRegs), namely, to keep a good lookout and proceed at a safe speed. PWC do not have exclusive use of these areas. PWC operators remain responsible for their own safety and that of other water users and they are to ensure they remain a safe distance from other craft and people in the water at all times.
Monday 01 Jan 2024