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The prime purpose of this report is to gather information on any of the range of incidents that may occur within the Dockyard Port of Clyde, and to provide the source of data to answer any statistical enquiries from whatever source.

The aim of the Questionnaire is therefore not to apportion blame but just to gather facts. It is for that reason that the names of personnel involved in an incident are not required. It is the incident that the Questionnaire is interested in, not the person.


  • Fire / explosion
  • Collision
  • Foundered
  • Grounding
  • Pollution
  • Propulsion Failure
  • Striking
  • Contact
  • Ranging
  • Near miss
  • Unknown / other
  • Conduct which can be construed as unsafe
  • Failure to comply with International Maritime Organisation Regulations
  • Failure to obey PCS Directions
  • Non-compliance with the Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011
  • Non-compliance with the Merchant Shipping Act

Please Report Any Incidents Witnessed To Our Main Operations Number

01436 674321
 x 3555 (x4005 out of hours)

A Dockyard Port of Clyde Incident Data Questionnaire will be raised, for an infringement/incident of the criteria listed below.

The Questionnaire is used by all the harbour authorities within the Dockyard Port of Clyde, but each harbour authority is responsible for their own area.

By agreement, the King's Harbour Master Clyde maintains a database of all incidents on behalf of the other harbour authorities, which will enable a port-wide response to be made to any request for data received.

Compete the form

Please complete as many of the fields as possible as all information is of value to us.

Your details

Location of incident

Incident description

Emergency services informed

Weather conditions

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