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King’s Harbour Master Clyde

Direction 15/24



A. The Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011




1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Clyde has made the following General Direction under the Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011.




2. The ammunitioning jetty at Glen Mallan in Loch Long requires safety arrangements during the loading and unloading of ammunition onto a vessel berthed at the jetty to protect the vessel at the jetty, as well as any passing vessels and members of the public who are in the vicinity at that time. To ensure that safety arrangements are in place to mitigate the risk of collision and any risk to the public during ammunitioning operations at the Glen Mallan jetty, KHM may activate the Restricted Area defined in Figure 1 below on a temporary basis.



Map reference




56 07.522'N

4 49.156'W


56 07.555'N

4 49.484'W


56 07.769'N

4 49.630'W


56 07.989'N

4 49.566'W


56 08.157'N

4 49.292'W


56 08.122'N

4 48.940'W






Figure 1 – Glen Mallan Restricted Area – Limits of the Boundary

3. Where it is necessary for any naval vessel and/or auxiliary to proceed to or from a Crown Establishment or to be turned, moved, berthed or docked within the Dockyard Port, the King’s Harbour Master may direct that no person shall:

a. enters, pass through or remain in the Glen Mallan Restricted Area.

b. cause or permit any vessel or thing to enter, pass through or remain in the Glen Mallan Restricted Area.

4. Where any such direction is made, notice of the direction-


a. Shall be broadcast by the King’s Harbour Master on VHF Channel 73 from time to time during the period in which the direction is in force, and


b. Shall be indicated by the illumination of the following lights at masts at the following locations:


(i)Southern Point Glen Mallan Jetty (56 07.753N, 004 49.130W) (3 vertical red lights), and

(ii)Northern Point Glen Mallan Jetty (56 07.941N 004 49.069W) (3 vertical red lights).


5. The Ministry of Defence Police Launch in Loch Long will monitor the area to ensure that passing traffic complies with this direction. Non-compliance with this direction will be regarded as a breach of the Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011.

6. This General Direction will be reviewed by 06 Jan 25.

Monday 01 Jan 2024

Ian White
King's Harbour Master Clyde

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