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King’s Harbour Master Clyde

Direction 05/24



A. Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011.




1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master Clyde has made the following General Direction under the Clyde Dockyard Port Order 2011 and in compliance with the provisions of the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC).


2. The King’s Harbour Master, as the Port Authority and with the agreement of the Statutory Harbour Authority (SHA) hereby issues Pilotage Directions to vessels intending to navigate within the limits of jurisdiction as defined in The Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011.


Limits of Jurisdiction


3. The seaward limit of Compulsory Pilotage (Gareloch) is at a line Latitude 55˚55.26N to the eastward of Rosneath Point.  The seaward limit of Compulsory Pilotage (Loch Long) a line of latitude at 56˚.00N between the shores of Loch Long.


Compulsory Pilotage District


4. Compulsory Pilotage District means that part of the area of jurisdiction of the King’s Harbour Master contained between the seaward limits of Compulsory Pilotage and the eastern and western shores of the Gareloch, Loch Long and Loch Goil respectively.


Pilot Stations


5. Due to the nature of the port and type of vessels being handled the following pilot boarding stations for military vessels have been established and agreed by the Clydeport SHA:


 a. Any vessel proceeding to Loch Striven fuel facility:  

South of Toward Point in the vicinity of 55˚.50.30N/004˚.59.32W (Admiralty Pilots are employed as tug advisors only in this area).


b. Military vessels proceeding to Loch Long:

The Loch Long Channel to the South of Loch Long Buoy in the vicinity of 55˚.58.50N/004˚.52.419W


c. Military vessels proceeding to the Gareloch:

The Military Pilot Station to the NE of Ashton buoy in vicinity of 55˚.58.25N/004˚.50.00W


Compulsory Pilotage


6. In addition to the compulsory Pilotage Directions laid down by the SHA at the Reference, the following vessels will be required to engage the services of an Admiralty Pilot when navigating within the Compulsory Pilotage Areas of the Clyde Dockyard Ports.


a. All Nuclear-Powered vessels.


b. All RN warships over 60m LOA.


c. All Foreign and NATO warships.


d. All RFAs and Foreign Auxiliaries.


e. Any commercial vessel chartered by the MOD, Secretary of State for Defence, or any Contractor operating within the Clyde Dockyard Ports as deemed necessary by the King’s Harbour Master.


f. All vessels over 25m LOA when proceeding into a restricted area or MoD facility.


g. Any vessel, dumb barges etc, 31m LOA and over when under tow proceeding into Gareloch or Loch Long to a MoD facility.


h. In the event of the Master or First Mate of any vessel holding a current Pilotage Exemption Certificate (PEC) issued by Clydeport SHA the services of an Admiralty Pilot will not be required unless requested and available.


Pilotage Exemption


7. When applying for Clydeport PEC, if a Master/First Mate wishes for their PEC to cover the Dockyard Port, an additional section of exam questions (supplied by KHM) will be used as part of the PEC exam. An Admiralty Pilot may also sit on that section of the PEC exam if available and in agreement with the SHA. A Dockyard Port PEC may be revoked by KHM if standards of seamanship or ship handling are deemed to be unsafe.


RN Port Endorsement


8. Commanding Officers of RN warships should consult BRd 9940 para 0908 for instructions and requirements for achieving RN Port Endorsement. It is the policy of the Clyde Dockyard Port that a minimum of first entry/exit must be conducted in the presence of an Admiralty Pilot to achieve Port Endorsement, thereafter COs of ships under the minimum length for compulsory pilotage may berth/unberth without an Admiralty Pilot unless one is requested by the ship or if KHM requires an Admiralty Pilot to be used. Port Endorsement may be revoked by KHM if standards of seamanship/ship handling are deemed to be unsafe. The award of an RN port endorsement does not exempt the CO from the requirements of para 6.


Voluntary Pilotage


9. If requested, and subject to the availability of a Pilot, any vessel may request Pilotage services when navigating within King’s Harbour Master’s jurisdiction.




10. KHM directs that all vessels which are subject to Compulsory Pilotage or request Voluntary Pilotage shall:


a. Give minimum notice of 8 hours for estimated arrival time at the Pilot pick up point, and 8 hours’ notice for departure or berth shift.  Failure to provide such notice, or failure to arrive, depart, or shift at the allocated time may result in the movement being delayed or cancelled depending on the Port Authority’s priorities.


b. Board or disembark a Pilot at a previously agreed location determined by the vessel destination within the Dockyard Port and prevailing weather.


11. The King’s Harbour Master’s decision on Pilotage and tug allocation shall be final. Tug allocation will be decided by KHM/Port Operations Manager on a case-by-case basis.


12. This General Direction will be reviewed by 06 Jan 25.

Monday 01 Jan 2024

Ian White
King's Harbour Master Clyde

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