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King’s Harbour Master Clyde

Direction 02/24


A: Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011.


1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master Clyde has made the following General Direction under the Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011.


2. All parties are encouraged by KHM Clyde to report any safety events they have been involved in or witnessed, whether that be a near-miss or incident, within the Clyde Dockyard Port (CDP) or its approaches.

3. This reporting culture contributes towards a wider understanding of safety within the Dockyard Port and assists with the prevention of major incidents. This General Direction sets out the procedure for safety event reporting within the CDP.

Reporting Process

4. A marine observation (as discussed at Para 2) can be reported to the King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Clyde by the following means:

a. Contacting KHM Harbour Control on VHF Ch 73.

b. Contacting KHM Harbour Control by telephone on 01436 674321 (Option 1, Extension 3555) from 0700-1700.

c. Contacting the Duty Naval Base Officer by telephone on 01436 674321 (Option 1, Extension 4005) from 1700-0700.

d. Raising a report through the KHM Clyde website.

e. Using a Pilot report form (used only by Admiralty Pilots to report a specific pilotage event).

f. By phoning 01436 674321 Opt. 1 Ext. 7009 (Near Miss / Incident Reporting “hot line”) if the incident is on the waterfront at HMNB Clyde.

g. By emailing [email protected], giving a description of the event.

5. All these reports are passed to the KHM Port Safety Officer (PSO), who will formally record the event in:

a. Maritime Navigation and Information Services (MarNIS) which includes accident/near miss/incident reporting, recording investigating and data retrieval.

b. Navy Lessons and Incident Management System (NLIMS).

Reports of Pollution

6. In order that it may be effectively dealt with, all port users sighting pollution in the Clyde Dockyard Port and its approaches are directed to report it to KHM Harbour Control by following the reporting process noted above. If possible, the following information should be relayed:


a. Location of the pollution.

b. Extent of polluted area.

c. Description of pollution.

d. Direction of movement of floating pollution.


7. Under Marine Scotland instructions, it is a statutory requirement in UK waters to obtain specific approval from Marine Scotland for any use of oil treatment products (dispersants) in water depth of less than 20 metres or within one nautical mile of any such area.  This instruction in general, precludes the use of dispersants throughout the Clyde Dockyard Port.


8. Should it be considered by KHM that the use of oil treatment products will be required, as the Harbour Authority KHM will seek approval from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).  No oil treatment products are to be used until specific approval is given and KHM issues specific instructions for their use.   

9. This General Direction will be reviewed by 06 Jan 25.

Monday 01 Jan 2024

Ian White
King's Harbour Master Clyde

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