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To develop an understanding of the doctrine, planning and conduct of maritime operations in a joint and combined environment. To provide an appreciation of the factors involved in decision making at the Component Commander level and below.

Course details

The course breaks down into three, week long modules:

  • Week 1 – Maritime Warfare module – provides doctrinal and tactical updates, gives an update of Maritime Warfare in each environment, and outlines the Structures and Formations that make up the current Naval structure
  • Week 2 – With clear focus on the Estimate Process, week 2 starts with the Legal Framework and ROE considerations for operations, before exercising the use of the 7 Questions Maritime Tactical Estimate with wargames to put into practice the teachings. These wargames reflect the current usage of the Contingent Forces in an Royal Navy Task Group construct. The first two weeks reach classifications of NATO SECRET (Releasable to Australia and New Zealand) and are open to international students
  • Week 3 – Provides the students with the SECRET (AUSCANNZLUKUSA EYES ONLY) overview of unit capabilities and limitations, tactical developments, and a look at the future forces. The students have the opportunity to examine (supported by the relevant Green Papers and TacNotes) specific warfare problems in order to understand how the latest tactics and doctrine applies in the development of a Course of Action

Reaching classifications of SECRET UK Eyes Only, week 3 is not routinely available to international students, other than AUSTRALIA, CANADA, NEW ZEALAND, UK and US, and even these will be excused certain lectures.


This course is intended primarily for Officers about to take up appointments in Command or as Executive Officers i.e. SASB1 and SASB2 appointment. It is also suitable for other officers likely to be involved in planning maritime operations, this includes Battle-staff personnel, Capital ship non-Warfare HODs, unit level Ops officers and any PWO or equivalent at OPS. It is recommended for all personnel completing advanced warfare courses i.e. AWO course, AdvASW course and PWO(CIS). It is NATO SECRET (releasable to Australia and New Zealand)


A curriculum vitae with full professional details covering operational background, recent tactical experience, last job and next job is required 8 weeks before joining the course.  

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