5 days
3 courses per year
Maritime Warfare Centre, HMS COLLINGWOOD
The aim of the 5 day course is to develop a basic understanding in the planning of maritime operations at the tactical level. The course provides officers of the UK and other nations with an understanding of doctrine, planning and conduct of maritime operations in a joint and combined environment at unit level.
Course details
- Maritime Doctrine overview
- Warfare overviews in all environments
- A Legal Framework and Rules of Engagement
- Cyber Warfare Capabilities
Tactical planning and the 7 questions maritime Tactical Estimate – facilitated by Syndicate based wargame Blue Lagoon, designed to deliver an understanding of the Estimate process at the Unit level A syndicate delivered, tactical level wargame provides the common thread through the course whilst consolidating knowledge of the 7 question maritime Tactical Estimate.
- The course is aimed at Officers from all departments at the SO3 and SO2 level, particularly those on HOD Desig Courses, Senior Rates with suitable experience are also encouraged to attend, as they will be in a better position to contribute to the Estimate process once completed
- The security level of this course is up to NATO SECRET (relAUSNZ)
A curriculum vitae with full professional details covering operational background, recent tactical experience, last job and next job is required 8 weeks before joining the course.