Pre Initial Naval Training (Officer) - PRE-INT(0))
Want to know more about this course?
register your interest15 weeks
3 courses per year
BRNC Dartmouth
Minimum age 18
The aim is to provide students with the linguistic, cultural, academic and fitness skills deemed necessary to commence Initial Naval Training (Officer) (INT(O)).
Course details
The topics covered include:
The major component is English language training, aiming to have all individuals at IELTS 5.5 by the end of the course. Other topics covered include:
- Military language – An introduction to the language used in all aspects of Training
- Leadership – An introduction to leadership terminology and methods
- Seamanship and navigation – An introduction to boat driving, bends and hitches and chartwork
- Ceremonial Training – Being part and taking charge of a marching squad
- Physical Training – To ensure all candidates are at the required level for Naval Training
Age - Each Young Officer must be over 18 and under 25 years old at the start of the course. Exceptionally, candidates up to the age of 34 may be accepted if they meet the medical and fitness requirements, although experience indicates that older candidates have difficulty with the physical aspects of the course
Medical Standards – As for INT(O)
Medical and Dental Checks – As for INT(O)
Physical Standards – A basic level of fitness is required since the course will lead to the INT(O). It is recommended that candidates should be able to run at least 1.5 miles (2.4km) in under 11 minutes and swim 50 metres ACADEMIC STANDARDS
Educational Standards - As for INT(O)
English Language Standards - Minimum IELTS 4.5 in all disciplines (speaking, reading, writing and listening)
Qualifications gained
Regular progress testing throughout the course to provide a close level of monitoring and to provide feedback to national authorities as required on the suitability for onward training.