Advanced hydrographic Survey
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3 courses every 2 years
HMS Drake
The aim of the Hydrographic Meteorology Advanced Survey (HMAS) course is to provide a comprehensive and broad based knowledge in all aspects of the theory and practice of hydrography and allied disciplines for individuals who will practice analytical reasoning, decision making and development of solutions to non routine problems.
The HMAS course is designed to produce a hydrographer who can meet five Training Performance Standards:
- Conduct hydrographic surveys in support of nautical charting and military operations
- Plan Surveys
- Analyse Survey Data
- Present Survey Products
- Maintain Survey Standard
Course details
The course consists of meteorological and oceanographic theory and forecasting procedures for military operations with an emphasis on aviation meteorology and oceanography, including a phase of practical watch keeping in both disciplines. This phase also includes sea, swell and surf forecasting, radio and radar meteorology, ballistic meteorology, SAR/oil slick forecasting and NBC warfare forecasting. A Global Meteorological module is also included, covering Tropical, Arabian Gulf, Mediterranean and South Atlantic meteorology.
Students must have completed an International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) accredited Category B course and consolidated the training with a minimum of 2 years practical surveying experience in a seagoing unit.
Exams and Qualifications Gained
FOST HM is an Academic partner of Plymouth University and students are registered for a Post-Graduate Diploma in Hydrographic Surveying at the beginning of the course.
The Diploma will be awarded to those students who achieve at least 50% in all modules 2 - 7.
In addition to accreditation with Plymouth University, the HMAS Course is also accredited with the International Hydrographic Organisation and Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology.
International Hydrographic Organisation Recognition.
The PG Dip programme includes the International Hydrographic Organisation’s Category A syllabus and two optional units: Nautical Charting Hydrography and Military Hydrography. Nautical Charting Hydrography includes the collection, assimilation and presentation of data to support marine navigation, and Military Hydrography includes hydrographic surveying in support of anti-submarine, mining and amphibious operations.
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Recognition.
The IMarEST recognises that the training offered to Royal Navy Hydrographic, Meteorological and Oceanographic Officers and Ratings is amongst the best in the world, with excellent professional development assessment and quality control mechanisms in place. Consequently the IMarEST has created a special streamlined process for HM officers and ratings to apply for IMarEST Professional Membership and Registration, depending on their level of experience. Successful completion of the PG Dip programme qualifies students to become:
- Chartered Scientist (CSci).
- Chartered Marine Scientist (CMarSci).
- Chartered Marine Technologist (CMarTech