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Senior Ratings' Advanced Course (CBRNDC 35)

Senior Ratings' Advanced Course (CBRNDC 35)

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Key information


To prepare senior ratings drafted to ships as the specialist assistant to the CBRNDC Officer or as a specialist CBRNDC qualified Senior Rate. Additionally to expand the damage control and firefighting techniques to enable them to plan, organise and undertake continuation training.

Course details

Week 1:

  • Firefighting organisation, firefighting systems and equipment (1 day)
  • Practical firefighting (1½ days)
  • Sea survival theory and practical drills (1 day)
  • CBRNDC organisation, CBRN drills (half day)
  • Practical damage repair (half day)

Week 2:

A thorough revision and updating of CBRNDC knowledge and experience through classroom lectures, theoretical and practical exercises.

Week 3:

CBRN classroom instruction, supervised syndicate work and student presentations.

  • Week 4:
  • Advanced rescue procedures for removing injured personnel from a fire environment
  • Special Firefighting techniques
  • Dealing with explosive stores involved in ship fires
  • Aid to another ship
  • Continuation training
  1. First Aid Firefighting
  2. Hose Team techniques
  3. Search and Rescue techniques
  4. Breathing apparatus use, and control of wearers
  • Fire prevention

Week 5:

Final lectures on CBRNDC culminating in CBRNDC and other practical assessed training, to enable the CBRNDCQ to train, umpire and plan the CBRNDC training for the ship.


  • Must be an experienced senior rating who has completed basic and further CBRNDC training in their own navy to an acceptable RN standard, or to have completed the RN Intermediate Sea Safety course. To be employed in a position of firefighting and damage control training

Qualifications gained

MCA Certificates in ‘Personal Survival Techniques’ and ‘Advanced Fire Fighting’.

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