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In-country training & support

The Italian Navy on board ITS MARCEGLIA boarded HMS TRENT

Train your entire team. Onsite, at your location.

When a nation would like to provide training to a number of its military personnel or seek assurance on current practices, when it would be more convenient and cost-effective to achieve this at home then the International Defence Training - Maritime Training Team (IMTT) can be provided for in-country training and support.
French Navy preparing to leave HMS Albion for their 48 hours in the field for Exercise Joint Warrior

Bespoke training for your needs

The IMTT is able to deliver training and assurance in a number of subject areas (detailed on separate pages) from which a comprehensive and appropriate training package can be constructed to fulfil the training requirement as identified during a Training Needs Analysis or scoping visit preceding the training delivery. A single subject matter expert or multi-disciplinary team tailored to meet specific requirements can be deployed to any area to deliver bespoke training, depending on the size of the request and as best befits the host nation’s needs.


Members of HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH’s Warfare Department in the Ship’s Operations Room during Air Defence

Mobile sea training

A safe and protected online environment for service personnel and their families to stay Involved, Informed and InTouch.
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Royal Navy personnel on board HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH the Ship's Head Quarters during a Stage 21 Exercise

Operational sea training

Having the support of peers, colleagues and like-minded people all over the world can help you deal with the unique challenges of Royal Navy life.
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Get in touch

For further information about courses, general enquiries or to make an enquiry about booking a course, please get in touch with our friendly support team.