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Further information

The Royal Navy (RN) has a long and proud tradition of training international Service and Civilian personnel.


The aim of IDT(RN) is to promote and deliver UK based maritime training to overseas military students. The IDT(RN) staff provide a link between the individual training establishments and overseas customer countries, primarily through the UK Defence liaison system  

Booking courses

Training requests are normally received via a country’s High Commission / Embassy in London or through the UK Defence Attaché in the country concerned. A written request (either letter, e-mail or facsimile) should be sent to IDT(RN) with details of the training required and how it will be funded (see fees and funding for further information). Ideally, training requests should be with IDT(RN) six months before the start of the course, although every effort will be made to accommodate requests at shorter notice.  

Process after that

On receiving the application IDT(RN) will confirm availability of training course dates and costs, as well as any necessary entry standards and security clearances required.

A formal offer of training will then be sent. This will confirm the conditions of the training including the dates, number of student places, and prices (tuition as well as messing and accommodation costs). The offer will also include the reply dates needed to confirm the places, and when the individual student details and Certificate of Security and Assurance for each student need to be submitted. Acceptance of offers of training is agreement to the notified conditions and charges.

If no reply is received by the date specified in the offer letter it will be assumed that the places are no longer required and they may be re-allocated to another customer.  

Course fees

All UK training must be paid in advance and any cancellations made within three months of the course commencement may be subject to a charge. The normal arrangement is that an invoice will be raised by IDT(RN) before the start of course. This will request payment of the course fee and the appropriate messing and accommodation charges. Fees cover:

  • Tuition costs
  • Transport and allowances on visits made as part of the course
  • Emergency medical and dental treatment provided by the UK Armed Forces Medical Services. All students should arrive medically and dentally fit for training and any pre-existing health conditions will not be treated
  • The loan of working / protective clothing and kit as necessary for the conduct of the course
  • Messing and accommodation charges (included as a separate part of the quote)

Course locations

South West:

  • RNAS Culdrose - Cornwall
  • HMS RALEIGH, RN Submarine School, FOST HM, Flag Officer Sea Training - Plymouth Area
  • RM Instow - Barnstaple
  • Britannia Royal Naval College - Dartmouth
  • Royal Marines Commando Training Centre - Lympstone
  • RNAS Yeovilton - Somerset
  • Bovington - Bovington
  • RM Poole - Poole

South East:

  • Maritime Warfare School (HMS Collingwood, HMS Excellent), Defence Diving School - Portsmouth Area
  • MWC Collingwood, HMS Temeraire, HMS Sultan, RM School of Music, Institute of Naval Medicine - Portsmouth Area
  • PJHQ Northwood - London


  • HMNB Faslane - Faslane 

English language

Courses are conducted in English, and all students will need to confirm their International English Language Test Score (IELTS) before their nomination is accepted. On most of the course pages in this catalogue the expected IELTS level is listed. For other courses, IDT(RN) will be able to advise of the expected standard. The IELTS test is available at British Councils in most capital cities around the world.

English language training can also be arranged by IDT (RN) at Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC) Dartmouth. Other language schools are available but students who choose to attend commercial schools will be expected to make their own arrangements.

Key IELTS Scores are:

7 (Good User) – has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.

6 (Competent User) – has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

5 (Modest User) – has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning on most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field.

Performance on course  

The continuous monitoring of students throughout training enables instructors to identify those who are having problems meeting course standards. The sponsor, and where appropriate the London-based Defence Attaché for the country, will be informed in instances where the student is failing to progress or problems are occurring that could lead to their withdrawal from training.   

Student accommodation 

The majority of RN Establishments allow international students to be accommodated in service accommodation alongside their UK counterparts at the appropriate level according to rank. This allows the wider professional and social interaction and is considered an important and mutually beneficial part of the training. IDT (RN) will arrange RN accommodation and advise on charges. Students who choose to live in private accommodation will be expected to make their own arrangements, including booking and payment.  

Get in touch

For further information about courses, general enquiries or to make an enquiry about booking a course, please get in touch with our friendly support team.