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Help at hand during deployment

Contacting a loved one during deployment

Circumstances may arise, such as a death in the family or a serious illness, which make it necessary for your serving person to return home.

If the serving person is overseas:

If it is necessary for your serving person to return from overseas you should contact: The Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC) on 01452 519 951. This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If the serving person is in the UK:

If an emergency situation arises while you serving person is in the UK you should contact; Royal Navy Family and People Support (RN FPS) Portal on Freephone 0800 145 6088. Lines are open: Monday - Friday 8:00am-8:00pm. And Saturday & Sunday (and Public Holidays) 8:00am-4:00pm

If an emergency situation arises while you serving person is in the UK you should contact; Royal Navy Family and People Support (RN FPS) Portal on Freephone 0800 145 6088. Lines are open: Monday - Friday 8:00am-8:00pm. And Saturday & Sunday (and Public Holidays) 8:00am-4:00pm

Outside of these hours, contact the Officer of the Watch:

Portsmouth - 02392 723875

Plymouth - 01752 555220

Faslane - 01436 674321 ext 4005

Yeovilton - 01935 455444

The Emotional Cycle of Deployment

Man and woman with back to camera watching HMS Montrose sail away

Members of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines deploy more frequently than personnel in other services. These deployments can be a difficult time not only for serving personnel, but for the families they leave behind. That's why the Royal Navy has made a special commitment to helping service personnel's parents, spouses, partners and children maintain their physical and emotional wellbeing during times of separation.

Every deployment has an emotional impact, whether you’re a first-timer or have years of experience. Recognising the signs and preparing well can make it much easier to cope. Discover the five stages of deployment and see what support is available in each.

Deployments are generally announced 8-12 months in advance. Using this time to prepare both emotionally and practically is really important. At this stage, it’s a good idea to build a strong support network of peers and colleagues, either through the Royal Navy Forum or at your local Royal Navy Community Centre.

What can I expect? 

It’s common to feel that you have plenty of time to prepare, but the earlier you start, the better. At this stage it’s important to recognise that feelings of anger, resentment and underlying tension can begin to surface, but don’t worry, this is perfectly normal. 

Who is affected? 

Partners, spouses and children all feel the effects of a deployment, but coping can be made easier if you communicate openly and honestly. Our Family & People Support is also here to offer support and guidance.

How can I prepare?

If you have children, it’s vital that you open dialogue in advance, so you can reassure them that the parent leaving will also be coming back. You can also use the When a Special Person Goes Away Workbook to involve them in the process.

RN FPS can provide you with a Deployment Information Pack and a Children's Memory Box Pack to support you during deployment.

Storybook Waves is another way you can maintain a connection with your child. This service allows you to record a bedtime story for them to listen to while you’re deployed.

The Experience of Parental Absence Guide produced by the Naval Families Federation details the experience of parental absence and separation, providing some strategies to help families thrive. 

You should also start considering the practical aspects of being away, from contacting service providers to locating important household documents and managing renewal dates.

Further help and support during deployment

Local Support Office

All of the contacts, addresses, telephone numbers and opening times of the Royal Navy’s local support offices that you can get in touch with for support, events and activities.
Find your local support office


Discover what compassionate support is available to you if a family member is serving in the Royal Navy the the unique challenges it brings and learn about the support system that is in place for service families.
Find out about support

Additional family resources

Keeping in touch

Deployments are exciting opportunities for our personnel to travel and experience new things – but they can also put strain on life at home. That’s why we actively encourage regular communication with loved ones, both to maintain a healthy relationship and to boost morale.

See how to keep in touch

Support for children

Deployments can be a difficult time not only for serving personnel, but for the families they leave behind. That's why the Royal Navy has made a special commitment to helping service personnel's children maintain their physical and emotional wellbeing during times of separation.
Find out about support for children

Join the Forum

Stay informed, involved and in touch — and get support from our organisations and charities.

We’ll help you understand and navigate this unique way of life in a safe and secure environment.

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