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Physiotherapist Reserve

Physiotherapist Reserve

Become a Physiotherapist (Reserve) and you’ll have the opportunity to maintain your civilian career, while also joining our Medical branch, where you’ll dedicate 24 days a year to supporting our personnel.

HealthcareHumanitarian aidCivilians
  • Undergraduate Degree
  • Surface Fleet
  • Royal Naval Reserve
  • Officer level

At a glance

Become a Physiotherapist (Reserve) and you’ll have the opportunity to maintain your civilian career, while also joining our Medical branch, where you’ll dedicate 24 days a year to supporting our personnel.
Since I finished my degree I’ve been deployed all over the world, helping some amazing people.


Physiotherapist Reserve

Role details

What you’ll do

Physical fitness is paramount in the Royal Navy. That’s why we need a team that’s dedicated to keeping our people in peak condition and helping them recover from injury.

Become a Physiotherapist (Reserve) and you’ll have the opportunity to maintain your civilian career, while also joining our Medical branch, where you’ll dedicate 24 days a year to supporting our personnel.

Your role

  • Deliver world class healthcare as part of a highly skilled and motivated team.
  • Provide vital support to maritime and wider military operations across the globe.
  • Provide support in a range of challenging conditions at sea, on land or in the air. Adapt to a variety of platforms including state of the art warships such as the new Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier.
  • Travel the world as part of the front line medical services team.


Pay & benefits

  • Daily rates of pay equivalent to those of full-time personnel
  • Annual tax-free bounty subject to meeting the minimum training commitment
  • Paid leave in proportion to the number of training days attended
  • Automatic membership of the non-contributory Armed Forces Pension Scheme
  • Expenses and allowances when undergoing training
  • Access to sports and fitness facilities
  • Opportunities for adventurous training (AT)

Skills for life

Qualifications you'll gain

  • Leadership and management courses from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
  • Qualifications based on your role and specialisation
  • Courses to further your career

Skills you'll develop

  • Determination, discipline and confidence, which will transfer to your civilian career
  • Leadership, responsibility, time management and personal organisation skills


  • You must be aged 21 and up to 55, (or 56 if you're serving or an ex-regular), when you start training
  • 5 GCSEs grades C/4, which must include English Language and Mathematics
  • A Physiotherapist Degree, without restrictions
  • Full registration with no restrictions with the Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC)
  • Fully accredited Chartered Physiotherapist.
  • You must be a British or Irish national, a Commonwealth citizen, or a Dual National
  • You need to be within the healthy range for Body Mass Index (BMI) 
  • Pass the Naval Swimming Test

Skills & Interests

  • Self reliant, well-organised future leaders
  • Problem solvers with a keen eye for detail
  • Team players
  • A willingness to help shipmates
  • A high level of physical and mental fitness

Joining Process

From picking your role to starting on your first day, these are the steps you'll take to join as a rating.

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